7 key features to look for in corporate car-sharing software

7 key features to look for in corporate car-sharing software

Corporate car-sharing schemes are becoming an increasingly popular way for companies to provide transportation for their employees while also reducing costs and improving sustainability. In this blog post, we'll look at the benefits of corporate car-sharing schemes and how ATOM Mobility software can help companies deploy their own car-sharing scheme for their employees.

What is corporate car sharing and how does it work?

Corporate car sharing is a transportation solution that allows companies to provide access to a fleet of shared vehicles for their employees. Employees can reserve a car for a specific time period and use it for business-related travel. The cost of the rental is typically paid for by the company.

There are 2 main ways that corporate car sharing can be implemented:

  • Company-owned fleet: The company can use its existing fleet, or purchase and maintain a fleet of vehicles specifically for sharing. Employees can reserve and use the vehicles as needed.
  • Car rental partnership: The company can partner with a rental car company to provide access to a fleet of vehicles for car sharing. Employees can reserve and use the vehicles as needed.

In both cases, the company will need to set up the software for managing the car-sharing scheme, including reserving and booking vehicles, tracking usage, and handling payment processing. This can be done through an ATOM Mobility software platform.

What challenges corporate car sharing solves

Corporate car sharing can help to solve a number of challenges that companies may face:

  • Maximize fleet utilisation and minimise fleet size: The high cost of owning and maintaining company vehicles can be significantly reduced. Companies can save money on car expenses such as purchase, maintenance, and insurance by using a car-sharing scheme to consolidate their current fleet size and maximise fleet utilisation.
  • Limited parking availability: Car-sharing schemes can help to reduce the number of company-owned vehicles, which can be beneficial in situations where parking is limited or expensive.
  • Environmental concerns: Car-sharing schemes can help to reduce carbon emissions and other environmental impacts of transportation.
  • Employee mobility: Car-sharing schemes can provide employees with access to a vehicle when needed, even if they do not have their own. This employee benefits package is valued highly when new job offers are considered.

Here’s what to look for when it comes to corporate car-sharing software:

1) Vehicle reservation and booking: Employees should be able to view available vehicles and make reservations for the times they need to use a car. This can be done through a mobile app.

2) Keyless go via the app: The software should allow employees to locate available vehicles, unlock and use them without needing to go and collect the keys from god knows where.

3) Payment processing: The software should handle payment processing if the corporate compensates their trips partly, including the calculation of charges based on distance or time.

4) Vehicle maintenance and repair log: The software should allow the company to input any info about the cars and track the maintenance and repair needs of the shared vehicles. This info should be easily accessible by the car service provider as well.

5) Usage tracking and reporting: The software should provide detailed monitoring and reporting on the usage of the shared vehicles, including metrics such as the number of trips, distance travelled, and fleet utilisation by hours. This information can be used to optimise the car-sharing scheme and reduce costs.

6) User management: The software should allow the company to manage the users of the car-sharing scheme, including adding new users and different user roles and revoking access as needed.

7) Administrative controls: The software should provide the company with administrative controls to manage the car-sharing scheme, including the ability to set rules and guidelines, set rental rates, and so on.

Overall, the functionalities included in car-sharing software will depend on the specific needs and goals of the company and the car-sharing scheme.

If you would like to learn more about how to set up a corporate car-sharing scheme for your company, get in touch with our team here: book a call.

ATOM Mobility is a software provider with a corporate car sharing software that helps companies to deploy their own car-sharing scheme for their employees. Our software includes a range of features to support corporate car sharing, including online booking, vehicle tracking, payment processing, usage reporting, and user management.

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